Property: *Crew lead: *Start time: *010203040506070809101112HH000510152025303540455055MMAMPMAM/PMFinish time: *010203040506070809101112HH000510152025303540455055MMAMPMAM/PMChecked weather forecast to ensure conditions are acceptable for sweeping. *CompleteNot completeEnsured equipment was fully fueled up before leaving the shop in the morning. *CompleteNot completeArrived on site no later than the start time on the work order. *CompleteNot completeFollowed process to ensure as many vehicles as possible were removed from the parking lot. *CompleteNot completeUnloaded equipment, set up water, and were ready to begin at the start time. *CompleteNot completeExactly at the start time of the time found on the work order, pylons were put out to block off all entries to the parking lots to ensure vehicles could not enter during sweeping. *CompleteNot completeSwept all edges at least two feet in from the perimeter and swept curbs and curb tops. *CompleteNot completeSwept with the tractor as efficiently as possible while dampening the ground ahead of the tractor and following behind the sweeper with a blower. *CompleteNot completeBlew off all walkways and any other hardscape surfaces. *CompleteNot completeSupported tractor operator to avoid any unnecessary stoppages. *CompleteNot completeTractor operator assisted other crew members once tractor work was completed. *CompleteNot completeN/AInformed Cindy as soon as it was evident that sweeping will not be completed by the end time on the work order. Upon completion notify Cindy. *CompleteNot completeN/AA final check was completed by the team lead. Any spots that needed further attention were completed to meet expectations. *CompleteNot completePylons were removed from entrances before leaving. *CompleteNot completeIf an item was not completed, please note why below: By submitting this form you certify that the job was completed, meets expectations, and the process was followed. Please sign your name here: *This box is for spam protection - please leave it blank: