Please complete the steps below to remove a roommate from your lease


STEP 1:  Sign a Notice Of Termination – All roommates that will be leaving the apartment must sign a notice of termination.

STEP 2: Sign the consent form – All remaining roommates must sign the consent form giving permission to remove a roommate from the lease.

STEP 3: Sign the security deposit transfer form – The departing roommate must transfer their share of the security deposit to all remaining roommates.

STEP 4: Sign the stop payment form – The departing roommate must sign the EFT Stop Payment Form.

STEP 5: Initial changes to the lease – After all the above steps are completed, the revised lease will be sent to all roommates departing or staying to initial the changes to the lease to finalize the roommate removal process.

Please note that the roommate will not be removed from the lease until all of the steps above are completed.

It is in the sole interest of the outgoing roommate to ensure that this process has been completed, Gorham Real Estate will not remind you or pursue you to complete this process in any way.